I am a first time client.

Step 1: Fill Out Intake and Consent Form

To book a session, you will fill out our intake and consent form. Then, you will be matched to one of our intern counsellors within two business days. Your appointment time can be as soon as the following week.

For University of Toronto Students - please use your UofT email in the intake form. This guarantees that all of your future appointments will be designated as free.

For those in the general community, there is a sliding scale in place to ensure that our services are affordable. 

Step 2: Email Notification

You will receive an email notification of your booked appointment. In this email, you will receive a prompt to create a password on our booking site for your personal booking account. We use the Jane System for our booking. You can read about their privacy policy here.

This account enables you to see any booked appointments and access our therapy system, essential for our sessions.

Step 3: Payment Details

When your account is set up, please enter your credit card information on our booking site. Your information remains confidential, this simply ensures that payment can happen swiftly upon the completion of a session or if there's been a missed or cancelled appointment according to our cancellation policy.

Step 4: Follow Up Appointments

Once you have your first session and if you find yourself to be a good fit with your matched counsellor, you both will collaboratively decide upon and book your future appointments.

I am a returning client.

Please contact your matched counsellor directly to book further appointments.

Sana' Richards

Joseph Park

Cari Ferguson

David Knox

Rosanna Lok